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May 2017
text: The Benefits of A Colon Cleanse
Not all people fancy a colon cleanse. It depends entirely who you talk to. Some rave about the health benefits and others a...
May 2017
text: Looking at the Many Qualities of Myrtle and Its Application to Good Health
In modern times, many people are moving away from modern medicine. They understand that while the principles of the scientifi...
May 2017
text: 4 Qualities That You Should Look for When Choosing a Probiotic Supplement
Probiotic supplements are becoming increasingly popular. This is because they can help people overcome a number of issues. Sc...
April 2017
text: Five Situations That Warrant Drinking Water
Water is our lifeblood – you already know this. Humans are up to 60% water, so you'd better believe that it’s important to st...
April 2017
text: How To Lose Weight Naturally
Have you ever tried to lose weight and then put it all back on again? Most of us have, I think, but the only effective way to...
March 2017
text: Probiotics A Trusted Friend In A Gut Crisis
The health buzz words of the moment are probiotic foods and supplements. Supermarkets stock probiotic drinks and yoghurts an...
text: An Organic Salve To Treat Skin Ailments
As we all know modern medicines are becoming increasingly ineffective to fight infections. The well-known ones are antibiotic...
December 2016
text: A Simple Aid to Stay Healthy Longer
Most of us are guilty of bumbling through life. This is especially true of people who are blessed with good health for most ...
December 2016
text: Are There Things That You Can Do To Improve Cognition?
I have recently recovered from a neurological condition known as IIH. According to some doctors, this is a relatively benign ...
October 2016
text: Why Do We Need to Drink So Much Water?
Some of us can find it difficult to drink the required amount of water per day, while others of us find it difficult to stop ...
October 2016
text: Give Your Immune System A Chance To Recover
Most illnesses have their origin in the intestinal tract. Because the air around us is so full of pollutants and pesticides ...
August 2016
text: Is It Possible to Keep Yourself Looking Young?
Mmm, well this question has been asked throughout the ages. In ancient times, we had the village shaman making us potions and...
August 2016
text: Advantages of Colon Cleansing
To maintain good health it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, adopt a healthy diet and to remain stress free. The ...
August 2016
text: How To Get Rid of Bloating
If you suffer from bloating you will know how uncomfortable it is. You may have flatulence, but if you need to get in that d...
May 2016
text: Wild Endive Not Quite Bayberry
Sometimes known as wax myrtle or by the Latin Myrica Cerifera this is just another example of how ancient plants are frequent...